Who doesn't like to get a tee shirt?

Okay, the Pope came to Philadelphia (which for those of you who don’t know is only a short distance from my home and office. And yes I was affected by it!) I have a new appreciation of how popular tee shirts are in every form and every size.  It really doesn’t matter what type of business you had, everyone had a tee shirt with the Pope on it and their business name.  This has shown me is that any business or event that wants to be recognized should have a piece of clothing. Tee shirts are definitely one of the most economicalandpopular pieces of apparel for all ages from infant to elderly.  If you are walking down the street in any small town or large city you will see a tee shirt promoting a concert, a new product, a company or a family event.  Most people wear these tee shirts until they are worn to shreds. They are the most cost effective way to promote your cause, product, concert or event.   It is the “billboard” effect that keeps giving back sometimes for years.  When you think about how you are going to invest your marketing dollars consider tee shirts. Just think about how many people are going to see your “walking billboard” in a day and how much that breaks down per shirt per view. It comes down to pennies per viewing. The person who is getting the shirt loves to have a new tee shirt and you love to have the advertising that you get from the tee shirt. It is a win win!  Call me at 856-424-0566 to discuss how a tee shirt fits into your advertising effort and to place your order.

Thanks and Have a great day!


What is Etiquette?

When most people think of etiquette they think of the scene in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts had to learn which fork to use when dining. In reality etiquette is around us every day and we may not even realize it. It is as simple as “Please and Thank you” or holding the door for someone.  Emily Post who is the “queen” of etiquette said “Etiquette is the fuel that powers relationships”. I attended classes in Vermont this past May at the Emily Post Institute where I became a certified Emily Post Trainer for Business and Wedding. I do have to admit I came away with a great deal of AH-HA moments. Simple things that we all take for granted because that’s how our moms did it and taught us. I actually called my own mom and told her after all of these years of family gatherings she had been setting the dinner table incorrectly for our holiday dinners. Of course now I get to do it! Proper etiquette can be something as simple as knowing where to place your knife and fork on your plate when you’re finished your dinner at a restaurant to let your server that they can take your plate. You use manners every time you answer the phone and say “Hello” instead of “Yo”, “What’s Up”. It's just good manners  not to talking over someone when you are on the phone or in a face to face conversation. Etiquette also varies culturally. What may be acceptable in one culture or part of the country not be acceptable somewhere else. You need to be aware of the social and business etiquette rules that could be different even among age groups. I believe in order to survive in todays world you need to know what is socially and culturally acceptable no matter where you are or what you are doing. I am happy to help with any questions, concern or trainings. I would appreciate you sharing my blog with someone you know that might benefit from or be interested in reading it. Just click on the share below.

Have a day filled with happiness and etiquette.


Who I am and What I do

Hi. My name is Heather Garnick and I am the owner of Words and Manners. I know many of you are thinking what is Words and Manners? What does she do? Well, to start, my company does branded items for both personal and business use.  Basically anything with a company name, event name, or logo.  The next division of my company does invitations and social stationery for ALL type of events. Everything from a save the date, baby shower or announcement, wedding, Sweet 16, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, bridal shower and thank you’s.  I also do all types of Holiday cards- Jewish New Year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Happy Holiday’s and New Years.  The last and probably the hardest to explain is the Etiquette division of my company. As of May 2015, I became a Certified Emily Post Etiquette Trainer for both Business and Wedding. I can assist with the social and political correctness of everything from eating at the dinner table(formal or informal)  to how to sign your emails and everything in between.  On the wedding side, my services include helping the Bride and Groom with the wedding party to all the religious rules that should be followed.  Look forward to working with you.  
